
ADHD or too much to pay attention to?

As a clinician I see my share of clients who are in various stages of dealing (or not dealing) with ADHD.  Some are diagnosed, some are un-diagnosed, some manage with medication, some aren’t managing well at all.  There have been many anecdotal articles on the prevalence of ADHD and the corresponding “over-prescription” of stimulant medications […]... Read More

Missing the Sun

I am missing the sun.  This is not because of today’s eclipse, but because of where I live.  I grew up in South Jersey, which I thought was the northeast, but I did not know what northeast meant until I moved to Massachusetts.  When I first moved here I was starting my family and I […]... Read More

Sharing a Little Life Changing Magic

When I have a moment to pause in between the balls that life is throwing at me I have been trying to check out others’ online content.  During the course of this endeavor I uncovered a gem.  A Tedx talk by author Sarah Knight who was sharing her basic principles from her book The life-changing magic […]... Read More

Dancing Like a Fool in My Kitchen

I love music!  It is always on in the background or the forefront.  I have customized a few stations almost to the point of perfection.  I don’t just love the music that I have listened to for decades now (although I do that from time to time), but I love NEW music.  There are so […]... Read More

Elevator Pitch

  I love to think about how much room people take up in the world and I love to fully embrace the space that I take up (i.e. you know when I am in the room). I want to help other people embrace their space and fill it up with their authentic selves.  Mean what […]... Read More
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Make a Difference?

  I read this Live Your Legend Blog Challenge prompt yesterday and I have spent a lot of time thinking about it. What difference do you want to make? My first thought was “I don’t know.” My second thought was “Oh crap, this blog thing is not going to work if I don’t know what difference […]... Read More
target cart

Missing the Target

I was walking through a Target today when I suddenly, but not unexpectedly felt a tug in my gut and a pain in my throat.  It was sadness, I always feel sadness in my throat.  So what could be in Target that would make me sad?  Memories. Once upon a time I went to Target […]... Read More