Stillness and The Quiet That Comes

As is lay here quiet and still in my childhood home I reflect on all of the memories and blessings I have had in my life. Everything around me is so familiar and so different at the same time. Every room and every view has a veil of a ghost-like image layered just behind it.

The Memories:

The hearth of the fireplace where I spent countless hours driving Matchbox cars on the “roadways”.

The spot on the floor where is used to sit to watch TV.

The way the light comes into the windows.

The Blessings:

So much good has happened here. So much laughter and joy. So much love.

I am so thankful for the shining examples of love in action and I life well lived.

The flip side of all of this is that sometimes I can’t help but wonder what life would have been like if I had chosen one of the other infinite paths that lay before me so many years ago. Paths that I contemplated while sitting in this very spot!

The fantasy of “what if?” and the reality of what is. But the real question is “What’s next?…”