
I am at a bit of a crossroads in my life and I want to be intentional about the next direction that I go in. With that in mind I am seeking inspiration.

I would tell someone else to find a way to follow their passion and that seems like pretty good advice, but the only problem is I don’t have a passion. There is nothing that I have ALWAYS wanted to do. I do have a lot of ideas, inventions, stories, plans, projects…, but I have been lacking the motivation or inspiration to bring any of these things to life.

I have had a vision for myself for my entire adult life. It is hazy but still a vision. I see myself in front of a large crowd of people saying something that they are interested in hearing. What? I don’t know 🤷🏽‍♀️.

In the meantime the other day I had yet another one of my “Someone should…” ideas and then later in the day I said “Why don’t I look and see if this has been done.” And then something happened…I felt a wave of excitement and dare I say inspiration!! I momentarily had insight into how people can be driven to do amazing things. It was rather fleeting though because no sooner than I felt this wave I had to respond to the very real needs of someone who was coming to me for therapy.

So now I know it exists. Inspiration is real! Now if I could just figure out how to find it again and sustain it in a way that feeds my soul and lines my pockets!